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Original M-T-G successfully treats the following conditions: rain rot, dew poisoning, scratches, mud fever, greasy heal, sweet itch, girth itch, itchy skin, dandruff and tail rubbing. It has been touted to work on thrush and white line disease.
Original M-T-G is formulated to eliminate the causative agent creating the skin problems so it treats at the source to dry up and heal the affected area. Its special ingredients also condition the skin and hair around the problem area which promotes both healthy skin and hair regrowth. Original M-T-G keeps the skin conditioned while creating a barrier against the elements. It offers quick relief and visible hair growth in 3-5 days.
Original M-T-G is easy to use. Just rub a small amount into the affected area without disturbing or picking the scabs off. There is no need to rinse or wash out between applications
Shake bottle thoroughly to mix the sediment layer on bottom of bottle throughout the rest of the liquid in bottle. Continue to shake periodically during application.
Apply directly to the problem spot using just enough to cover without applying too much and having the excess run down the horse.
Don’t pick scabs off as it may be painful to the horse and cause slight swelling. The scabs will fall off on their own after the healthy skin grows back under the scab.
After scratches heal on the horse’s legs, put a thin layer of Original M-T-G plus on the affected area before turnout in wet conditions to provide a barrier against the horse becoming re-infected.
Do not share brushes, blankets or turnout between horses with a skin problem and those without a problem as fungal and bacterial problems are highly contagious. Wash anything that comes into contact with infected horse so you won’t re-infect him after he heals. Brushes can be washed with a bleach solution to kill the fungus or bacteria making sure to rinse well.